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Posts Tagged ‘Internet

Lyrical Wiki

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LyricWiki is, as the name implies, a wiki for music lyrics. This is a great resource; I no longer have to surf to various sketchy lyrics sites.

Written by Scott

May 3, 2007 at 3:39 pm

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Great Moments in Searching

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I was fortunate enough this past weekend to see Who is Bozo Texino?, a documentary that delves into hobo culture. Filmmaker Bill Daniel was on hand to talk about it and share an endless supply of interesting stories. As with all movies, I headed over to the IMDB to do some more research when I got home. I searched on “Who is Bozo Texino” and this was the result (NSFW – language).  I’d love to see the code for the search algorithm that matched up that result.  Also, the unexpected result is easily one of the best movie titles ever.

Written by Scott

May 2, 2007 at 9:21 pm

Posted in Movies

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